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Taking a Social Media Break is Good for the Soul

This past week I went away, barely focused on social media, and took some time away from my phone and computer. It was amazing and I cannot remember the last time I wasn't glued to my phone.


I usually am on social media most of the day and now, since my business focuses on marketing and social media, I am on it almost all day long. I realized that it is good to take breaks. You get a new perspective on what you should do differently, what works and what doesn't, access to your inner thoughts and new ideas. It really is like a revamp to motivation.


I am really trying to work on myself, my mental health, and everything in between. I am trying to unlearn behaviors that were "normal" to me, I am healing, growing, and evolving into the person I am meant to be. It takes time, effort, patience, and consistency, but I know that I will overcome what has been holding me back. I am going to continue to use this blog as a "diary" of my progress, both personal and business.


I am here to help anyone who needs it. I am here to give you advice, resources, and tips to grow as a person and a business owner. Take time to learn new things, education is the most important thing to growing into the person you want to be.

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